Dalla Siria, in inglese

 fonte: http://lucoli.tumblr.com/post/5131710973/weofp-nel-2010-sono-stato-in-siria-per-un-po
Nel 2010 sono stato in Siria per un po’ di tempo. Mi è appena arrivata la seguente mail da un mio carissimo amico siriano, conosciuto con CouchSurfing, che spiega molto bene cosa diavolo sta succedendo da quelle parti. Abita ad Aleppo, a nord, e mi ospitò a casa sua per qualche giorno. Il mio amico, Hani, è stato introdotto all’Islam quando è nato, ma dal momento in cui ha avuto capacità di giudizio si è sempre apertamente professato ateo. L’abiura, nell’Islam, è condannata con la morte. Hey my friend! You might be wondering about what is going on in this country, especially you had been here once, and saw it closely. Briefly, and regardless on all the stupid media which -so far- approved the non-professionalism and biased credibility, the situation here is a war against terrorism. Some guys in the south of Syria wanted to pronounce and Islamic state after they had got a “fatwa” which is a stupid judgment called by a man of religion who lives in Qatar. Till now, they had killed 296 people from army, security and random civilians. We dont have to forget that those people act in sectarian way; therefore, they had killed many Alawites (sect of Islam from which the president belongs) and having killed them they deformed their bodies in brutal way.The Western world as usual came out with the human rights and set a punch of calls to stop killing “the peaceful protesters” BUT, believe me my friend, they are not peaceful at all, they exploited the masses after they finish the Friday Pray and call for Jihad against the country. They yell in Islamic and radical mottoes which reveals a deep instinct for bloodshed and killing. I want to ask you what your country will do if the same thing happened in your country? will they leave them killing people, destroy everything they face from public or private property? Is it OK in any part of this world to have such crazy crowds who cut the highways and kill people? You might read my references, I am an open minded guy, I dont want to live in 1500 years ago as Mohammad lived. It is too scary here, the secular Syria is about to be in the hands of Moslems fundamentalist and there is no way out. I am far from the center of the incidents, but it is a matter of time to be spread in the whole country as cancer eating its own flesh. Wish me luck here, and you should know that I will not leave them take Syria from me, I will fight till the last breath because there is no way to negotiate with them, the only language they understand is the blood language. I am dead here anyway for being atheist and I have already got a threat letter posted on my car, so I will not give up without a fight.. Talk soon if things went better, and if not wish me luck in the second life. Peace (what a weird word now among fatwas and jihad calls from mosques !!!) Hani tl;dr: Guerra civile in Siria tra alawiti (frangia secolare dell’Islam, al potere da 40 anni ma in minoranza come popolazione) e fondamentalisti che vogliono creare uno stato simil-Iran. Il mio amico siriano, ateo e pro-attuale-presidente è stato minacciato di morte ed è pronto a combattere.”
musicomane su shhh
(Fonte: ohshhh.com)


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